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Adding a Socrata Pipeline

1. Adding a new Pipeline for a table hosted by Socrata

After the system is set up, you can easily add a Socrata data set to the warehouse by

Define the SocrataTable in /airflow/dags/sources/

Look up the table's documentation page on the web and get the table_id from the URL (it will be nine characters long, all lowercase and with a hyphen in the middle).

SAMPLE_DATA_SET = SocrataTable(
    table_id="wvhk-k5uv",             # (1)
    table_name="sample_data_set",   # (2)
    schedule="0 6 4 * *",             # (3)
  1. A Socrata table's table_id will always be 9 characters long and consist of two blocks of 4 characters (numbers or lowercase letters) separated by a hyphen. You can find the table_id in the data documentation URL or export link for the data set.
  2. Ideally the name of the SocrataTable instance should be the uppercased table_name (which should be lowercase).
  3. This sets the update frequency. If you aren't familiar with the crontab format, use cron expressions.

2. Create a DAG for the data set

Copy this code into a new file in /airflow/dags/ and edit the 4 annotated lines for the new data set:

import datetime as dt
import logging

from airflow.decorators import dag

from tasks.socrata_tasks import update_socrata_table
from sources.tables import COOK_COUNTY_PARCEL_SALES as SOCRATA_TABLE   # (1)

task_logger = logging.getLogger("airflow.task")

    start_date=dt.datetime(2022, 11, 1),
    tags=["cook_county", "parcels", "fact_table", "data_raw"],        # (2)
def update_data_raw_sample_data_set():                                # (3)
    update_1 = update_socrata_table(
update_data_raw_sample_data_set()                                     # (4)
  1. Replace COOK_COUNTY_PARCEL_SALES with the name of the SocrataTable instance variable from
  2. Change the tags to reflect this data set.
  3. Change the name of this DAG's function name to reflect this data set.
  4. Call that DAG function.