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System Setup

Preprequisites: To use this system, Docker is the only absolutely necessary prerequisite.

Having GNU make on your host system will enable you to use included makefile recipes to streamline setup and common operations, but if don't have and can't install it on your system, you can just manually run the commands from recipes in the makefile in the project's top-level directory.

Setting up credentials

After cloning this project, cd into your local repo, run this make command and enter appropriate responses to the prompts. You may want to have a password generator open.

make make_credentials

The program will validate the values you enter, assemble them into some compound values (mostly connection strings), and output these configs into the dot-env files (.env, .env.dwh, and .env.superset) in the top-level repo directory. Review these files and make any changes before you initialize the system (i.e., when these username and password pairs are used to create roles in databases or Airflow starts using the Fernet key to encrypt passwords in connection strings).

Requesting a Census API Key

To get a Census API key:

  1. Go to and click the Request a KEY button.
  2. Enter your email address and an "Organization Name" to associate to the API key.
  3. Copy your new API key from your email and paste it into your .env file for the CENSUS_API_KEY variable.

[Optional] Mapbox API Token for Geospatial Superset Maps

To include a basemap underneath geospatial visualizations in Superset, you'll need to:

  1. Create a free Mapbox account,
  2. Create a new API access token on your Mapbox account page, and
  3. Open your .env.superset dot-env file and paste that API access token in for the MAPBOX_API_KEY environment variable so that it looks like the example below.

    MAPBOX_API_KEY=pk.<the rest of the API token you created>

You can still make geospatial Superset charts without an API key, but your geospatial charts won't have a basemap (like the left example).

Without Mapbox API key With Mapbox API key

Initializing the system

Before you initialize

If you want to change any credentials, do this before you start up the system. It's easiest to do this by renaming (or removing) all .env files, rerunning make make_credentials, and entering the desired credentials (and remember to remove your prior .env files if you kept them earlier). You can change many of the credentials after the system is up and running, but changing credentials for existing databases is not currently supported.

On the first startup of the system (and after setting your credentials), run the commands below to 1. build the platform's docker images, and initialize the airflow metadata database, 2. start up the system, and after console outputs stabilize (i.e., when services are running) 3. create the metadata and data_raw schemas and the metadata.table_metadata table in your data warehouse database.

make initialize_system
docker compose up

and in another terminal (after cding back into the project dir)

make create_warehouse_infra

Now the core of the system is up and running, and you can proceed to the next section to set up database connections that will enable you to explore the data and databases through the pgAdmin4 and Superset interfaces.